Sunday, October 9, 2011

Halloween Apothecary Jars

I started my Halloween decor.
Most of it is silly because I have small children,
and don't want to scare them.

Here is one that scared one and grossed the other two out...


There are my leftover gourds and pumpkins...

and yes, those are


I couldn't resist.
I bought them for $1 at the dollar tree,
and used an apothecary jar I already had.
The black netting is the bag the fingers came in,
cut to shreds and laid in the bottom as filler.

For our Halloween party, 
I plan on adding more jars and making a
"mad scientist" lab area.
The jars will be filled with things like:
gummy teeth, chocolate eyeballs
and more.

These three jars cost me about $2 to fill.
See? You can decorate and have fun for cheap.
Stay tuned for more...


Melissa Warner said...

Love this! We did something similiar one year for Shay's halloween themed bday party. The kids were grossed out, but thought it was cool.

Diann said...

Your jars look great! I love the old canning jar with a spider in it because, well most old canning jars have a few in them! LOL