Wednesday, August 31, 2011

An unconventional 'Something Blue'...

My friend is getting married.
I have known her seven years and LITERALLY have 
NEVER seen her wear anything but flip flops and sneakers.
She wears flip flops so late into the year, she is usually
 still wearing them at Christmas...not kidding.

So when she was trying to figure out what to wear with her dress,
my first suggestion was flip flops...
"Flip Flops?" she said...
"Yes, flip flops." I said. "We can make them pretty..."
Then I had the idea to make them her 'something blue'.

Here is what we started with.
Plain Old Navy flip flops...$1

Next, I dug into my large tote of vintage lace...

(given to me by a lovely lady named Kelly S...I love to show her what I make with the materials she gave me a sense of satisfaction that we saved these things and are giving them new life)

and warmed up my hot glue gun.

I chose a length of lace that had a silky ribbon running 
through the center, I thought the ribbon would be a good,
 solid surface to glue onto the shoe.

Here I am gluing the lace on.

When I got to the center toe thingy, I had to think a sec...
I didn't want the lace to be tight around the toes,
I wanted it to lay relatively flat and not be in the way.
What I did was glue it all the way to the center, then backed it up a little and glued over itself...I did this a couple times, creating a semi circle around the toe worked, just hard to explain.
Other than that, I'd rate this project an 
for easy peasy.

Ready to see what that crazy girl is 
walking down the aisle in?
How cute are they?
LOVE them.

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